Sometimes dark data needs more than just light; it needs a guide. Trust Insights speakers will help your conference, event, corporate meeting, or trade show shed light with your most important audiences.

Speaking Topics

What topics are on the minds of your audience? We speak on the following:

  • Generative AI for marketers and business
  • Data science and analytics
  • Foundational analytics skills and strategies
  • Improving the customer experience with data, analysis, and insights
  • Forecasting the future with predictive analytics
  • Data-informed organizational behavior
  • Data-driven customer journey mapping
  • Data-driven strategy
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Change Management
  • Team building

Speakers and Bios

Katie Robbert, Co-Founder and CEO

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Recent Keynotes:

AI-Driven Attribution Analysis
Change Management in AI

Katie Robbert is an authority on compliance, governance, change management, agile methodologies, and dealing with high-stakes, “no mistakes” data. As CEO of Trust Insights, she oversees the growth of the company, manages operations and product commercialization, and sets overall strategy. Her expertise includes strategic planning, marketing operations management, organizational behavior and market research and analysis.

Prior to co-founding Trust Insights, she built and grew multi-million dollar lines of business in the marketing technology, pharmaceutical, and healthcare industries. Ms. Robbert led teams of Microsoft Partner Software Engineers to build industry-leading research software to address and mitigate pharmaceutical abuse.

Ms. Robbert is a Google Analytics Certified Professional, a Google AdWords Certified Professional, a Google Digital Sales Certified Professional, and holds a Master of Science degree in Marketing and Technological Innovation. She is a published researcher in the Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Journal.

See Katie in action:

How to Assess Your AI Readiness: 5 Considerations for Businesses

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Christopher S. Penn, Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist

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Recent Keynotes:

Christopher S. Penn is an internationally renowned keynote speaker who electrifies audiences with his expertise on artificial intelligence in marketing. A recognized thought leader, he demystifies complex AI concepts, providing practical strategies that empower marketers to achieve breakthrough results. Christopher’s insights on leveraging AI for data analysis, content creation, and strategic decision-making have shaped five key fields in the marketing industry: Google Analytics adoption, data-driven marketing and PR, modern email marketing, marketing data science, and AI/machine learning in marketing. His journey in AI began in 2013, a decade before tools like ChatGPT brought the technology into the mainstream, giving him a deep understanding of its potential and practical applications. His engaging and informative presentations leave attendees with actionable takeaways they can implement immediately.

As co-founder and Chief Data Scientist of Trust Insights, Christopher leads a team of experts dedicated to helping businesses unlock the full potential of their data using cutting-edge AI solutions. His proven track record of success includes building AI-powered systems that have delivered double-digit ROI for prominent brands such as Cisco Systems, T-Mobile, Citrix Systems, GoDaddy, AAA, McDonald’s, Twitter, and many others. He is a 2024, seven-time IBM Champion in IBM Data and AI and co-host of the award-winning Marketing Over Coffee marketing podcast. His work is also reflected in over two dozen marketing books, including the bestselling “AI for Marketers,” now in its third edition, and “Leading Innovation.”

Ready to bring Christopher’s expertise to your event? His captivating keynote, “The Intelligence Revolution,” explores how AI is transforming marketing and provides audiences with a roadmap for navigating this new era. Contact Christopher today to discuss tailoring “The Intelligence Revolution” to your event’s specific needs. Businesses seeking to leverage AI for tangible results can schedule a consultation with Trust Insights to explore how data science and machine learning can reshape their marketing efforts.

See Chris in action:

The Intelligence Revolution at Social Media Marketing World 2024

Watch Christopher Penn’s keynotes and talks here on YouTube.

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