twitter strategy

Content Marketing World Twitter Strategy

Data originally featured in the September 29, 2021 newsletter found here:

In this week’s Data Diaries, we’re taking a look at Content Marketing World. One of the more interesting things the CMI team does is use the conference hashtag, #CMWorld, throughout the year for their content marketing Twitterchats each Tuesday. As a result, there’s a robust library of social posts to analyze – and a great way to see who your champions are all year-round, instead of just at an event.

What does it look like when an organization has a consistent Twitter strategy? Instead of having a single spike around an event and then fading away, we see engagement throughout the last year:

CMWorld Twitter activity by week

While the event does comprise a decent number of the tweets around the hashtag, the most engaged content isn’t always about the event. Weekly guests for the Twitter chat often show up in the top Tweets – and form most of the top 10:

CMWorld hashtag top tweets

When we examine behaviors, we note that the people who post the most aren’t necessarily always the ones most favorited or retweeted, but one thing remains consistent across all the different basic measures:

CMWorld Twitter content performance

The consistent factor is that CMI – the organization which runs Content Marketing World – has the commanding role in fostering the conversation and the audience.

This is a key lesson in community management: you have to drive the conversation, even in large, mature communities. Communities don’t run themselves well, if at all. Community management in a well-run community is equal parts reactive and proactive – letting people have a space to share and speak, but knowing when to jump in to maintain momentum and engagement.

Methodology: Trust Insights extracted 23,636 unique tweets around the #CMWorld hashtag, excluding tweets with more than 10 hashtags (which were spammy and unrelated to the actual conversation). Tweets were de-duped based on highest engagement numbers. The timeframe of the data is September 8, 2020 – September 29, 2021. The date of study is September 29, 2021. Trust Insights is the sole sponsor of the study and neither gave nor received compensation for data used, beyond applicable service fees to software vendors, and declares no competing interests.

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