GDPR Resources

GDPR Resources

GDPR took effect in May of 2018, and regulates the privacy rights of people within the EU. One of the challenges of GDPR compliance is a spectacular amount of incorrect information circulating about the topic over the past couple of years. We’ve seen people referencing GDPR as applying to only EU citizens (incorrect, all people within the physical boundaries of the EU), and many other misconceptions. Here are some consolidated resources to help you navigate GDPR compliance.

First and foremost, what is GDPR? Learn GDPR from the horse’s mouth, the official GDPR page of the EU. Read through it, especially the FAQ.

Next, check out this short “Little Bee Book” guide to GDPR from IBM (PDF download).*

For companies and their specific GDPR implementations, here are a handful of companies we all do business with regularly and their GDPR announcements:

Disclaimer: Neither Trust Insights nor its principals are lawyers, and the above does not constitute legal advice. Consult a qualified legal resource for questions about compliance with international laws and regulations.

Watch these short videos by Trust Insights co-founder Christopher Penn on GDPR 101 for Marketers:

You Ask, I Answer: GDPR 101 for Marketers

And on Google Analytics and GDPR features:

GA and GDPR : The Most Basic Basics of Compliance

Got questions about GDPR? Consult an actual lawyer. GDPR is a legal regulation and to make the most informed decisions, we strongly encourage consulting your legal and compliance counsel.

Want help with data and analytics? Contact Trust Insights here.

* Disclosure: Trust Insights is a registered IBM Business Partner, and receives financial remuneration from IBM for any partnership agreements we enter into.

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