Data Driven Content Curation

Data-Driven Content Curation

Data originally featured in the October 6, 2021 newsletter found here:

In this week’s Data Diaries, let’s solve a content marketing problem. One of the challenges of content marketing is discoverability – the ability for people to discover our content. Certainly, search engines help to solve this problem, but they do so imperfectly. What’s more, if we solely rely on search engines, then we risk sending our key audience to our competitors – not ideal. Social media postings and email marketing are great for drawing attention to specific pieces of content but aren’t a comprehensive, simple way to help people discover stuff.

What’s the solution? Curation. Not just “let’s copy a bunch of links to our Twitter account”, but real, intentional curation. Here’s an example. How many videos do we have on our YouTube channel? 205. How many of those have you watched? Probably less than a dozen. Likely less than a handful. Why? Because there’s no easy way for you to discover them.

Frankly, we have no idea what we’ve published on there, either, with all the live streams, keynotes, etc. So how would we start the process of curating these videos? Start by exporting all of them from YouTube Analytics:

YouTube Videos Raw Data

Next, we look at basic word counts. How much does any particular word make it into our video titles, once we remove our brand name and show titles (such as So What? and In-Ear Insights):

YouTube basic keywords

Already, we see a clear theme, obviously parseable topics and themes. We’ll build some categories like social media, content marketing, etc. to see how many videos fit in each of these categories:

YouTube Videos Categorized

With each category, we can now export specific videos to make things like YouTube playlists, or better, filtered content that can go in things like newsletters, blog posts, social content, and more. Let’s take a look at our summarized breakdown:

YouTube categories

Suppose we wanted to just share a list of videos about SEO? Now, with this data tabulated, we can do exactly that, helping our audience find videos on that specific topic:

This is data-driven content curation, and it’s one of the best ways to help your audience find the content you’ve worked so hard to produce. It’s even more important now when AI-based content recommendations may not surface what you want your audience to find in search and social media. That’s what we’ll be doing with our YouTube content in the future.

This technique applies to any content where you have access to the content name, like email newsletters, blog posts, and more. Try it with your own content and curate better experiences for your audience!

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Trust Insights ( is one of the world's leading management consulting firms in artificial intelligence/AI, especially in the use of generative AI and AI in marketing. Trust Insights provides custom AI consultation, training, education, implementation, and deployment of classical regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI, especially large language models such as ChatGPT's GPT-4-omni, Google Gemini, and Anthropic Claude. Trust Insights provides analytics consulting, data science consulting, and AI consulting.

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