In the Headlights, April 24, 2019 Issue

In The Headlights

Quick plug: register for our April 30 free webinar on how to measure the right marketing data. We’re down to about 3 seats left.

Sometimes a problem is a blessing in disguise. For the last two weeks, as some of you have noticed and kindly let us know, our newsletter hasn’t been working correctly. The links in past issues simply broke, making them go nowhere except to an error page.

What happened was that the server and system we were using degraded over time until it became unusable. It was a boxed product that failed, and despite our best efforts, we couldn’t keep propping it up. As you saw in your inbox, the system finally came to a graceless halt, like an engine without oil.

What could possibly be the blessing in disguise? Like many entrepreneurial ventures, we set up our marketing automation in the very early days of the company and haven’t made time to make system changes. You may or may not have noticed that we were still sending mail from our old domain name, not the domain. There were a bunch of other issues that were largely invisible to you, but fell under the category of “technical debt” – meaning nagging issues that made things run less optimally.

Over time, technical debt adds up. Marketing runs less well. Measurement becomes less accurate. ROI becomes less clear. Only when you pay off technical debt by keeping systems up to date do you avoid these problems. The challenge for every company is how much debt you allow to pile up before paying it off.

So what’s the blessing in disguise? Our system crash took that choice away from us. Our technical debt in our marketing automation software is now paid off, because we had to rebuild the entire system from scratch, and now that we’re a more established company, we can keep that debt paid off.

We’ve also picked up an important process change; every newsletter issue will also go out as a blog post on the blog, so that if we have issues in the future, there’s still a way for you to get the content you care about. Thank you for your patience and sticking with us.

If you’d like working editions of the past two newsletters, you can get them here:

What’s your takeaway from this? A key question to ask yourself, your team, and your organization is how much technical debt you have. How much is there? How much drag is there on your marketing performance? How much budget and how many resources have you allocated to paying off your technical debt?

The Bright Idea

In this week’s Bright Idea, we bring you the full session materials from co-founder Christopher Penn’s standing room-only talk at the ContentTech Summit on the AI-Powered Content Marketing Lifecycle. Watch the video replay, get the slides, listen to the audio, and follow along as you learn how AI is powering today’s most advanced content marketing.

Attend the session now!

In Case You Missed It

Social Media Marketing

Media Landscape

Tools, Machine Learning, and AI

Analytics, Stats, and Data Science

SEO, Google, and Paid Media

Business and Leadership

Join the Club

Are you a member of our free, private Slack group, Analytics for Marketers? Join 200 like-minded marketers who care about data and measuring their success. Membership is free – join today.

Upcoming Events

Where can you find us in person?

  • InfoShare, May 2019, Gdansk, Poland
  • NEDMA, May 2019, Boston
  • MAICON, July 2019, Cleveland
  • MarketingProfs B2B Forum, October 2019, Washington DC

Going to a conference we should know about? Reach out!

FTC Disclosure: Events with links have purchased sponsorships in this newsletter and as a result, Trust Insights receives financial compensation for promoting them.

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Trust Insights ( is one of the world's leading management consulting firms in artificial intelligence/AI, especially in the use of generative AI and AI in marketing. Trust Insights provides custom AI consultation, training, education, implementation, and deployment of classical regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI, especially large language models such as ChatGPT's GPT-4-omni, Google Gemini, and Anthropic Claude. Trust Insights provides analytics consulting, data science consulting, and AI consulting.

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