12 Days of Data 2020, Day 8: Top News and Web Content

12 Days of Data 2020, Day 8: Top News and Web Content

12 Days of Data 2020, Day 8: Top News and Web Content


Welcome to the 12 Days of Data 2020 Edition, our look back at the data that made marketing in 2020. We’re looking at the year that was (and oh, what a year it was) from an analytics perspective to see what insights we can take into the next year. Sit up, get your coffee ready, and let’s celebrate some data.

Top News and Web Content

On day 8, we turn our attention to top content around the web. For content that did well in 2020, what characteristics did it share? Using the AHREFS index of over a trillion web pages, we examined a large sample of 649,478 top stories from 2020 by traffic and inbound links to see what made the best content on the web.

Top news content

Let’s take a look at the headline statistical averages.

  • Content length increased dramatically to 820 words from 623 in 2019, a 31.6% increase
  • Domain authority decreased to 73.2 from 89 in 2019, a 17.8% decrease
  • Referred domains increased to 248 domains from 59 in 2019, a 320% increase
  • Social shares increased to 8,120 from 244 in 2019, a 3,228% increase
  • Readership increase to 4,486 readers from 1,526 in 2019, a 194% increase

The top story topics of 2020 are no surprise to anyone in such a tumultuous year. Using raw frequency counts, we see:

  1. The pandemic (honestly, we could stop the list here)
  2. Kobe Bryant’s death
  3. Samsung Galaxy
  4. The US Election
  5. Meghan Markle
  6. The Australian Wildfires
  7. League of Legends
  8. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (the late Supreme Court Justice) and Amy Comey Barrett (the newest Supreme Court Justice)
  9. Boris Johnson
  10. Conor McGregor

Key Takeaway

Despite a decline in traditional news outlets, news content itself was more important than ever. A major part of the changes we see above are related to the pandemic; during the height of lockdowns, consuming news was what almost everyone was doing and has continued doing since. That explains the massive changes in social shares and readership.

The year ahead shows no sign of us disconnecting digitally as current events are likely to require continued vigilance against the pandemic for at least the first half of the year. While many people speak of things like Zoom fatigue, the reality is that the digital world is a substantially greater part of our lives now than it was a year ago, and that macro trend is unlikely to change.

Take advantage of the audience’s attention while you have it to earn their loyalty. Create compelling, longer content, and become a full media property in your own right. Expect the unexpected – this year’s news has been anything but predictable, and that lack of predictability will likely be a hallmark of at least half of 2021 as well.


Trust Insights used the AHREFS crawling engine to extract 649,479 articles from the 2020 index. The criteria for selection was twofold; every month, Trust Insights extracted the top 10,000 articles per month by organic traffic, and the top 10,000 articles by referring domains. The dataset was merged, then de-duplicated by article URL. Articles were limited to the English language, and republished articles from prior years were excluded. For top stories, article headlines were aggregated and then parsed into bigrams and trigrams, then frequency counted as a representation of the most important stories. The measure of centrality used for this study was the average. The period of the study is January 1, 2020 – December 16, 2020. The date of data extraction is December 16, 2020. Trust Insights is the sole sponsor of the study and neither gave nor received compensation for data used, beyond applicable service fees to software vendors.


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Trust Insights (trustinsights.ai) is one of the world's leading management consulting firms in artificial intelligence/AI, especially in the use of generative AI and AI in marketing. Trust Insights provides custom AI consultation, training, education, implementation, and deployment of classical regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI, especially large language models such as ChatGPT's GPT-4-omni, Google Gemini, and Anthropic Claude. Trust Insights provides analytics consulting, data science consulting, and AI consulting.

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