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Content Marketing World 2018 Wrapup

We had the pleasure of attending and speaking at Content Marketing World 2018, content marketing’s signature annual conference. This year’s event featured speakers from across the content marketing spectrum. Let’s take a quick walk through some of what the audience thought were the key points, based on social audience engagement.

  • Ann Handley: “Email marketing is still relevant because the people – you – are in control, not the algorithms. Social is all algorithms. You still decide what goes into your email or doesn’t.” – 503 engagements, shared by Scott Monty
  • Tina Fey: “The one rule for producing content? Trust your gut.” – 157 engagements, shared by the Content Marketing Institute
  • Robert Rose: “You follow dreams, but people lead you there.” – 141 engagements, shared by Amy Higgins
  • Joe Pulizzi: “Content marketing fails because of a lack of consistency. On average, it takes 66 days to form a new habit.” – 136 engagements, shared by Mike Allton
  • Cathy McPhillips: “Marketers spend time creating epic content, so why not spend that same amount of time coming up with a plan for distributing it?” – 102 engagements, shared by Lee Odden
  • Drew Davis: “Pay attention is a misnomer. All attention is earned. We cannot buy attention – it is earned over time.” – 89 engagements. shared by Jay Baer
  • Joe Lazauskas: “Marketers confuse complexity and authority … In anything we do, we need to think about creating a story in a simpler way.” – 66 engagements, shared by Jay Acunzo

And the who’s who of Content Marketing World, using our algorithm for who was most talked ABOUT (a more reliable measure of influence than who’s the loudest or who has the largest following). Click the image for an interactive version!

CMWorld Most Talked About

Congratulations to Drew Davis, Joe Pulizzi, Ann Handley, Cathy McPhillips, Robert Rose, Jay Acunzo, Andy Crestodina, Jay Baer, and Lee Odden – you’re who CMWorld looked up to and talked to the most on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Thanks to our data partner, Brand24, for providing the raw data for our algorithm.

If you missed our session at Content Marketing World, “How AI is Changing the Future of Content Marketing”, you can watch the replay here.

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