In Ear Insights Trust Insights Podcast about Data and Analytics for MarketingIn-Ear Insights is the weekly audio podcast from Trust Insights. In each episode, learn practical, helpful tips for dealing with data, marketing analytics, marketing strategy, and other burning questions with your hosts, Katie Robbert and Christopher Penn. Every episode is hot and fresh in 30 minutes or less, so you can listen on your commute, working out, at home, outdoors going for a walk, or in the office and still have plenty of time for other shows. Each show offers video, audio, and a transcript so you can enjoy it in the format that works best for you.

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Recent Episodes of In-Ear Insights

  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Managing Constructive Criticism
    In this episode, Katie and Chris reflect on a recent focus group in which we received lots of helpful, constructive criticism. What do you do with constructive criticism? How do you categorize and prioritize it? Listen in as we discuss our own focus group results and what we’ll do to move forward. Watch the video here: Can’t ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Roadmap for Quitting Facebook As a Business
    In this episode, Katie and Chris reflect on the revelations about Facebook Inc. and how a company’s business practices can put it so far out of alignment with your core values that you have to stop doing business with them if you want to stay true to your values. But making a major change like ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Using Data to Build a Content Marketing Roadmap
    In this episode inspired by a question from Content Marketing World, Katie and Chris talk about how to use data and analytics to build a content marketing roadmap. What data should you pay attention to? What does a data-driven content marketing roadmap look like? Tune in to find out! Watch the video here: Can’t see anything? Watch ...
  • INBOX INSIGHTS, September 22, 2021: New Website, Accountability, Personal Branding Lessons
    INBOX INSIGHTS: New Website, Accountability, Personal Branding Lessons (9/22) Take a free course with MarketingProfs during the MarketingProfs Open House on September 23 here » Accountability We launched a new website. Let me say that with more enthusiasm. We launched a new website!!! This is a project that we started working on last year and we’re seeing our vision come to ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: After Action Reviews and Branding Lessons
    In this episode, Katie and Chris take a stroll down memory lane to look at old reports the company did in 2018. What lessons have we learned that apply to marketing, analytics, and communicating results today? Learn about after action reviews, lessons for professional development, and how personal branding can apply to your marketing. Tune ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Creating Thumbstopping Content Marketing
    In this episode, Katie and Chris discuss what makes truly compelling content marketing, from storytelling structures to research and development. How do you keep people engaged in your content? Tune in to find out how to create thumbstopping content marketing! Watch the video here: Can’t see anything? Watch it on YouTube here. Listen to the audio here: Download the ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Common Marketing Metrics and B2B Marketing Strategy
    In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris discuss the alphabet soup of some common marketing metrics – CPM, CPC, CPA, ROAS, ROI, and CLV – what they mean, when they apply, and how to interpret them. How do you organize these metrics to tell a coherent story about the customer experience, and what ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Marketing Strategy and MarTech Stack Drift
    In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris discuss MarTech stack drift. What happens when your strategy changes, but your marketing technology doesn’t? What are the consequences, and how do you begin remediating it? Tune in to hear the 5-step strategy for realigning your MarTech with your overall strategy. Watch the video here: Can’t see anything? ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Simple and Complex AI in Marketing
    In this episode, Katie and Chris discuss the different levels of complexity when it comes to AI and machine learning in marketing. What’s the difference between AI and data science, and when should you focus on one or the other? What cautionary tales should marketers understand before positioning a product as powered by AI? Do ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Google Analytics 4 Attribution Modeling Walkthrough
    In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris walk through the Google Analytics 4 Attribution Modeling. Watch as they explain the details, the different settings, which built-in model you should use most of the time, how to visualize your funnel, and explore some anomalies that might require you to use more than one attribution ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Mitigating Biases in Market Research
    In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris talk about mitigating biases when conducting market research. Whether you’re conducting surveys, 1:1 interviews, or focus groups, what you bring into your research can dramatically affect – and even invalidate – the outcome. Learn how to mitigate these problems and keep your research as free of ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Essential Management Skills
    In this week’s In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris answer a listener question: what are the most important skills or things to know when you become a new manager? What are some of the major obstacles that individual contributors face when finding themselves in a management role? Tune in to learn about essential management skills. You’ll ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Slowing Institutional Knowledge Loss
    In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris tackle the loss of institutional knowledge and how we could prevent it. If you’ve ever been at a conference over the span of a few years, you’ve heard the same questions come up during Q&A over and over again. Why? Because companies aren’t doing a good ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Asking for Numbers That Don’t Exist
    In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris tackle a listener question: what do you do when a key stakeholder asks for numbers that don’t exist? How do you come up with answers that satisfy the intent of the question, and how do you present to the stakeholder when something just isn’t possible? Tune ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Content Marketing Pet Peeves
    In this week’s In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris go on a bit of a rant. The folks over at Content Marketing World asked the intriguing question: “What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to content marketing?” If only they’d known what this would unlock. Tune in to find out more about our content marketing ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Mid-Year Goal Checkup and Planning
    In this week’s In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris pause to take a look back at the first half of the year and do a mid-year goal checkup. What should you be thinking about at the midpoint of the calendar year, and how does that thinking inform your goals for the rest of the year? What ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: AI Applications and Distractions in Marketing
    In this week’s In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris talk about AI applications and distractions. How important is it that you know the technology? What level of depth is necessary for marketers to make marketing technology work for them? Tune in to find out! Watch the video here: Can’t see anything? Watch it on YouTube here. Listen to the ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Google Analytics UTM Tracking Order of Operations
    In this week’s In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris walk through the Google Analytics UTM tracking order of operations. You’ll learn exactly how Google Analytics processes UTM codes, why they’re so important, why Google sometimes gets attribution wrong, and in what order codes are processed – especially when Google Ads is in the mix. If you’ve ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Google MUM, SEO, and Content Strategy
    In this episode of In-Ear Insights, Katie and Chris dig into the announcements around Google’s newly announced AI model for advanced search, Google MUM, or the multitask unified model. Learn what Google MUM is, why it should matter to content producers, and how to think about adapting your content strategy to deal with what could ...
  • {PODCAST} In-Ear Insights: Introduction to Google Search Console
    In this episode, John and Chris walk through the current incarnation of Google Search Console, explaining the different features and functions – and what marketing purposes they serve. Tune in to find out how Google Search Console can help you measure things like brand strength and public relations efforts, in addition to being a vital ...

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