Assumptions of Time

Assumptions of Time

This content was originally featured in the June 26th, 2024 newsletter found here: INBOX INSIGHTS, JUNE 26, 2024: ASSUMPTIONS OF TIME, GOLD STANDARD OF ATTRIBUTION I wrote about making assumptions about people’s time on LinkedIn the other day. Given the responses, I think it’s worth bringing up again. Here is the original post: Don’t use the […]

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In-Ear Insights CMO Survey, AI, and 2024 Marketing Budgets

In-Ear Insights: CMO Survey, AI, and 2024 Marketing Budgets

In this episode of In-Ear Insights, the Trust Insights podcast, Katie and Chris discuss the peculiar budget cuts that CMOs are making for 2024 marketing budgets and how it will impact marketing teams. We talk about the surprising reductions in spending for CRM, customer experience, and brand building. We analyze the disconnect between using AI […]

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Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Crime Data, 2022 Edition

Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Crime Data, 2022 Edition

Part of Pride Month is acknowledging that while American society has come a long way towards accepting lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, and queer folks, there’s still a long way to go and a lot of work for all of us to do. In particular, over the past 10 years we’ve seen some disturbing trends in […]

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Encouraging Voter Participation: Deep Dive into 2016 Census Data

At Trust Insights, one of our core values is, “We are cooperative and aware.” When we consider what invites change in government, the single greatest factor is voter participation. Regardless of political or ideological affiliation, encouraging more citizens to actively participate/cooperate in the political process is a worthy aim. Why don’t more people vote? Fortunately, […]

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Impact Of The Great Twitter Bot Purge on Elected Officials

Over the past few weeks, Twitter announced it was taking action to not only reduce the number of bots and spammy accounts on the service, but would be deleting accounts that were clearly non-human. As part of that announcement, they estimated that up to 6% of all Twitter accounts would be affected and all human […]

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Are you using your demographic data 9

Encouraging Voter Registration : Deep Dive into 2016 Census Data

At Trust Insights, one of our core values is, “We are cooperative and aware.” When we consider what invites change in government, the single greatest factor is voter participation. Regardless of political or ideological affiliation, encouraging more citizens to become aware of and actively participate/cooperate in the political process is a worthy aim. Why don’t […]

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Are you using your demographic data 4

Analysis of 6 Months of Political Posts on Facebook

At Trust Insights, we like to see what’s hiding in the data. While much is made of how services like Facebook may have political outcomes, not as much is made of how participants on these services send and receive information. We decided to take a look under the hood. Author’s note: please keep any discussion […]

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